
Senin, 30 September 2013


Resep adalah permintaan tertulis dari seorang Dokter Umum, Dokter Hewan, maupun Dokter Gigi yang mempunyai izin praktek kepada Apoteker/Farmasis untuk menyediakan, membuat, menyerahkan suatu bentuk sediaan kepada pasien. Jadi sekarang apabila anda pergi ke dokter dan diberi secarik kertas yang berisi jenis obat-obatan untuk anda minum, anda sudah tahu apa itu Resep Dokter.

Untuk menulis sebuah Resep, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan diantaranya:
1.      Nama, alamat, nomor izin paktek dari Dokter, Dokter Gigi, atau Dokter Hewan.
2.      Tanggal penulisan Resep (inscription).
3.      Tanda R/ pada bagian kiri setiap penulisan Resep, nama setiap obat atau komposisi obat (Invocatio).
4.      Aturan pakai obat (signature).
5.      Tanda tangan/paraf Dokter penulis Resep (Subscriptio).

Jadi, sekarang anda dapat lebih mengamati apa-apa saja komponen yang terdapat pada Resep ketika Dokter menuliskan Resep pada anda.

Dalam menulis Resep seorang Dokter harus mengikuti aturan-aturan yang baku dalam penulisan Resep, yaitu :
1.      Resep ditulis dalam bahasa latin (karena bahasa latin tidak mengalami banyak perubahan kata).
2.      Resep-resep yang mengandung Narkotik harus ditulis tersendiri, tidak boleh ada pengulangan (Iterasi), harus ada alamat pasien, dan aturan pakai yang jelas.
3.      Untuk pasien yang harus segera memerlukan obat pada kanan atas ditulis cito/p.i.m (periculum in mora = bahaya bila ditunda).
4.      Jika Dokter tidak ingin Resepnya diulang tanpa sepengetahuannya, maka dituliskan tanda n.i (ne iterator = tidak boleh diulang).
5.      Resep p.p adalah Resep pro pauper artinya Resep untuk orang tidak mampu.

Urutan penyusunan obat dalam Resep (ini berlaku untuk Resep racikan)
1.      Obat utama/pokok (Remerium cardinale).
2.      Bahan tambahan (Remedium adjuvantia).

  • ·         Remedium corringens actionis yaitu obat yang memperbaiki atau menambah efek obat pokok.
  • ·         Remedium corrigens saporis (memperbaiki rasa).
  • ·         Remedium corrigens odoris (memperbaiki bau).
  • ·         Remedium corrigens coloris (memperbaiki rasa).
3.      Bahan tambahan untuk memperbesar volume disebut Remedium constituens.

Untuk mendownload contoh Singkatan-singkatan dalam Resep silahkan klik disini.

Penyerahan Resep
1.      Penyerahan obat atas Resep harus dilengkapi dengan aturan pakai.
2.      Pemberian etiket yang sesuai:

  • ·         putih untuk pemakaian obat yang diminum
  • ·         Biru untuk pemakaian obat luar/topical
3.      Pemberian Label à KOCOK DAHULU untuk sediaan suspensi
4.      Untuk obat bebas terbatas yang berasal dari industry farmasi tanpa resep, diberikan dengan kemasannya.
5.      Untuk obat bebas diberikan dengan aturan pakainya.

Salinan Resep / Copy Resep
Jika seorang pasien ada sejumlah obat yang belum dibeli, maka Apoteker harus memberikan salinan Resepnya untuk diberikan kepada pasien. Fungsi salinan Resep ini digunakan untuk membeli obat yang belum sempat dibeli oleh pasien ketika pertama kali menebus Resep. Salinan Resep tidak berlaku untuk Resep yang mengandung Narkotik.

Isi dalam Salinan Resep
·         Nama Apotek
·         Alamat dan no telp Apotek
·         Apoteker penanggung jawab
·         No izin kerja Apoteker
·         Tanggal penulisan Resep
·         Tulisan salinan Resep
·         Nama pasien dan nama Dokter yang menulis Resep
·         Tanggal Resep dan tanggal pembuatan
·         No Resep
·         Paraf dan Cap Apotek

Minggu, 29 September 2013

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Anak

How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children?

Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficult to chew food invited to make us frustrated. Since then, usually we will try a variety of ways like providing herbal appetite enhancers and hunting child's favorite foods every day. The matters the child eating disorder also intrigued our interest to make an article about tips to overcome the difficult child to eat. Here are the details.
Serve meals with small portions

Maybe the kid does not like the size of your portions that so reluctant to eat the food there. Many children are ilfeel after seeing a sizable portion. So, try to give a little so that they can eat faster and do not get bored in spend food.

Get together with family

Do not let children eat alone and we need to create an atmosphere of togetherness when the child was time to eat. For example, you and your husband are on the table then eat foods together. With the atmosphere of togetherness, then the child's appetite will occur slowly.

Provide healthy snacks

One of the things that concern by parents is the development of the child if he did not want to eat. Of course, when children are fussy eaters then its growth will be stunted and not as friends. One of the best ways to keep it is to try to give nutritional healthy snack. Give interesting snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and nutritious bread.

Variety of food and a nice appearance

Perhaps, he needs a variety of foods that your appetite he has incurred. For example, you could give spinach on the first day, broccoli on the second day, and chicken-based dishes in the next day. Variety of foods is a very important thing to prevent children from boredom and the desire not to eat.

However, there is one more thing that could trigger a child's appetite, which is an interesting food dish. For example, you can cook carrots to form a star or a unique object. Children will be attracted by the shape and believed to increase appetite. Hopefully, some difficulty eating kids tips above can help you.

3 Ways to Treat an Air Conditioner in Avoiding Disease

When you use a home air conditioner, do not forget to take care of on a regular basis. Because when AC is not treated regularly and carefully, it will have a bad air and becomes a place to spread the disease. The dirty AC can store a variety of viruses and bacteria that continuously spread throughout the room. It also enters into the smell of the inhabitants. As a result, the occupant will experience pain or repeated infections. The following treatments below should you do in order to make AC work optimally and be durable.

Do not forget to turn off the AC

When traveling or in a space that is not used, do not forget to turn off AC. If the air is not too hot, try to shut down about one or two hours a day. If necessary use a reminder or timer contained in the AC facility. When the air conditioner is turned off, open the windows and doors widely so that there is an air exchange.

Clean the AC regularly

Check the filter components on the air conditioning, at least once a month. A dirty air filter will hinder the air circulation and being a comfortable place for germs, bacteria, and fungi. Bacteria are what will flow to the evaporator coil (evaporator coil) and then spread back across the room. The dirty AC components can affect the performance of the cooling system becomes more severe, so it does not produce the maximum cold and wasteful.

Selective in use

Minimize the potential health problems with the use of air conditioning as selective as possible. Because, if in the same room there is a family member which is sick, viruses and bacteria can be spread through the air helped. So when a family member is sick with the flu, for example, try using the AC to a minimum. This advice also applies if there is one family member who smoked in the room or when the middle of the room and furniture cleaned.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kesehatan

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

 Pregnancy is something that can make a mother feel happy. Keeping the baby in the womb to grow healthy and born alive is to be performed by a pregnant woman. The gestation period will determine the child's growth. Here we provide some tips on healthy during pregnancy.

Visit a Physician Regularly
During pregnancy, mothers can visit a physician/doctor regularly. Regularly check the baby in the womb is useful to know the condition and growth of the fetus. Likewise, if there is anything wrong in pregnancy should be immediately checked by a physician. Do this until the last month of pregnancy.

Important Eat Nutritious Foods
Begin to eat nutritious foods; it is important for pregnant women and fetal growth. Maternal diet usually eats small meals but often, about 5-6 times per day. It's better than eating large servings in 3 per day, a diet with smaller portions and more often to reduce nausea and vomiting in the morning, and stomach pain.

Folic Acid and Zinc
Healthy foods for pregnant mothers are foods that contain folic acid and zinc. Folic acid is useful for preventing neural tube defects in infants and spine. Foods that contain folic acid present in cereals, brown rice, oranges, green vegetables, beans, broccoli, and more. Zinc is useful to prevent anemia during pregnancy. Anemia is very dangerous for pregnant women, can cause bleeding during childbirth.

Avoid Cigarette Smoke
Cigarette and tobacco smoke are very harmful to the health of mother and fetus. Avoid cigarette smoke; try not to become passive smokers. If your husband is a smoker, warn not to smoke near you. And if you're also a smoker, stop smoking better. Cigarette smoke will make your baby born weighing less, easily hurt, slow growth; it can even cause miscarriage and death in the womb.

Drinking Adequate Water
Drinking adequate water is another important thing to note for pregnant women. Drinking lots of water is very useful for pregnant women, because the incoming fluid will help to increase the blood volume that occurs during pregnancy. Drink at least 6-8 glasses a day, can be fruit juice, milk, or water.

Taking Medications Safely
Be careful when taking some drugs. If you are attacked by a disease or pain, be careful taking drugs. You should immediately consult your physician before taking it. If you are pregnant and taking medication without rules would be harmful to the fetus in the womb.

Remain Active During Pregnancy
Pregnant women should remain active. Pregnant women can also do exercise such as walking. Taking a pregnancy exercise classes are also good, in addition to the benefits to the mother and fetus, the pregnant women in the class are able to share experiences and gain knowledge. In between activities, do not forget to rest

Vaccination During Pregnancy
Another important thing is vaccinated during pregnancy. Pregnant women should talk to their physicians to figure out which vaccines they might need and whether they should get them during pregnancy or wait until after their child is born. Hepatitis B, Influenza and Tetanus/Diphtheria are considered safe to give to women who might be at risk of infection.